how to Servo motor control 0° to180° and 180° to0° with one Push button using Arduino


#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo

#define servoPin 3 //~

#define pushButtonPin 2 

int angle =90;    // initial angle  for servo

int angleStep =5;

const int minAngle = 0;

const int maxAngle = 180;

int buttonPushed =0;

void setup() {

  // Servo button demo by tech Technology pk 

  Serial.begin(9600);          //  setup serial

  myservo.attach(servoPin);  // attaches the servo on pin 3 to the servo object


   Serial.println("Tech Technology Pk");


void loop() {

  if(digitalRead(pushButtonPin) == LOW){

    buttonPushed = 1;


   if( buttonPushed ){

  // change the angle for next time through the loop:

  angle = angle + angleStep;

    // reverse the direction of the moving at the ends of the angle:

    if (angle <= minAngle || angle >= maxAngle) {

      angleStep = -angleStep;

       buttonPushed = 0;


    myservo.write(angle); // move the servo to desired angle

      Serial.print("Moved to: ");

      Serial.print(angle);   // print the angle

      Serial.println(" degree");    

  delay(50); // waits for the servo to get there





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